How to Reopen Your CBD Business During COVID-19

The CBD industry has changed dramatically due to the coronavirus pandemic, with each separate sector being affected in different ways. Whether it be retail, medical, agriculture, finance, or events, much of the cannabis and hemp industry has been adversely affected. In the face of uncertainty, many CBD businesses were forced to close their doors, hemp farmers halted production, and countless cannabis stocks dropped precipitously as the world tumbled into a period of economic hardship. For a moment, a massively expanding industry teeming with unmitigated growth stood still, leaving its inhabitants to ponder with great anxiety about what the future might hold for CBD, something that had held so much promise up until that very point.
But yet, a glimmer of hope persisted, as the collective spirit of those who are a part of this great industry shone through. There is an undeniable phenomenon that sets this community apart from most others built around a product or good- they have a true passion for CBD and its countless benefits, and have consistently put the plant above profit. It is only natural that this industry persevere, as it is borne of genuine passion rather than lust for capital gain. The purpose of this article is to guide CBD business owners through the process of reopening, and to ensure that we have industry-wide coordination, and standard operating procedures when it comes to doing business during COVID-19.
What Does a CBD Business Look Like During Coronavirus?
Well, it would depend on what sector of the CBD industry you are in, of course, but lucky for us, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has created universal health standards that can be applied in any work environment. Designed to keep those who could potentially be sick with COVID-19 apart, if followed, these guidelines will not only keep workers safe, but will allow your business to run smoothly without having to shut down again unnecessarily due to a preventable outbreak. For the purposes of this article, we will condense the lengthy CDC guidelines, so that it can be easily adhered to, providing maximum results with minimal effort.
Step 1: Wash Your Hands
You’ve probably heard this a million times before, but the importance of this simple, rudimentary act remains essential. What is more difficult is getting all of your employees to engage in the same behavior in a uniform fashion. This is why it would be beneficial to institute a company-wide sanitization policy, that requires employees to wash their hands, or use hand sanitizer every 30 minutes to an hour. Ideally, the concept would apply to common surfaces as well, which should be sanitized and disinfected thoroughly after each use. It is incredibly important to enforce these rules as strictly as possible, as it will not only help stop the spread of the virus, but will keep your business running smoothly and efficiently.
Step 2: Wear a Mask
Face coverings are undoubtedly the most important part in attempting to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The coronavirus spreads through water droplets that are expelled when breathing, talking, coughing or sneezing. Wearing a mask ensures that your germs are blocked by a protective shield, containing them so they are not dispersed into the environment. Having a mask mandate at your place of work will stop the spread at its source, and protect yourself and your employees from harmful health risks that could put your business in jeopardy. Additionally, make sure that masks being worn are up to standards outlined by the CDC (cloth face coverings work as well), and that both the nose and mouth are covered fully. This will ensure that the mask is fully utilized, and that no stray pathogens that could potentially contain COVID-19 find their way into the atmosphere.
Step 3: Keep Your Distance
The concept of social distancing, when combined with the previous two, provide three easy actions that can form a clear, comprehensive, and effective policy when addressing COVID-19 in the workplace. Social distancing, according to the CDC, is most effective when two people are at least six feet, or about two meters apart. It is important to ensure that workstations are at least this distance from each other, and that these guidelines are rigorously followed any time employees interact in the workplace. Doing so will severely reduce the chances of the coronavirus being transferred from one person to another, simply due to the fact that they are not physically close enough to anyone to contract it.
Step 4: Increase Cash Flow During COVID
It could also be incredibly beneficial to observe social distancing in its penultimate form, which is to keep as many employees as possible from being physically present in your place of work, allowing workers who are able to operate from home to do so. Decreasing the number of people in an enclosed environment, each of which could potentially be sick, will effectively reduce the risk of the virus infiltrating your business in the first place.
Additionally, lost revenue streams that traditionally require mass gatherings of people are now available online, with eCommerce giants such as Alibaba holding virtual CBD trade shows and events. When in-person business must be conducted, it is imperative that social distancing be observed, masks are worn, and that hands are sanitized after any interaction. If you have a marketing budget, it would be wise to allocate more of your spend towards digital advertising, as well as prioritizing online sales. Consumer behavior has changed dramatically in the age of coronavirus, with shoppers avoiding brick and mortar stores, opting to engage in virtual eCommerce instead.
Why This Will Help Your CBD Business Stay Open
Doing these four things in unison is the best way to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus, and will keep your business operating at maximum efficiency. Whether you work in an office, a factory, or on a farm, all sectors of the cannabis, hemp, and CBD industry can be effectively protected just by instituting these simple guidelines. Businesses that fail to employ these tactics will be forced to send their employees home, close their doors, staggering revenues and making it much harder to do business. The overarching concept that is crucial to understand is that if we do not control this virus in every way we can, it will continue to have a stranglehold on our industry, our business, and our economy as a whole.
Our industry is better together. If every CBD business owner follows and implements these simple guidelines, we can make sure that our industry as a whole is operating efficiently and effectively, with each facet and component functioning at full capacity. Only as one, can we stop the spread of COVID-19 in the CBD, cannabis and hemp industries, and get back to business as usual.